BIRDBATH TOTEM (constructed pre-1961)
"Directly south of the Arrowhead is the Birdbath that served a practical purpose for the birds that live in the area. It’s made of concrete and as Galloway has said, it represents an old forked tree that’s been cut off and has a log laying on it made of cement. He said, 'I did it in this style and height so cats couldn’t get to the little bitty birds.' It’s believed that this is one of the later structures Galloway made for the park before he died in 1962."
"Totem Pole Park Audio Tour," written by Tim Brown, commissioned by Dr. Carolyn Comfort and the Rogers County Historical Society.
"To the south of the Arrowhead is the Birdbath Totem. It may have been installed late in the park project. It measures five feet high by four feet wide by three feet deep and is shaped like a capital T. The trunk is made to resemble a tree trunk, cylindrical in form, with rough bark. The Birdbath is in the hollowed out log that forms the top; it is decorated with a smiling face on each side. The object is made of concrete. It is painted dark green and has one large bird image on north and south sides, with smaller bird images placed randomly all around the circular trunk."
Everett, Dianna. "Ed Galloway's Totem Pole Park." National Register of Historic Places. 27 July 1998. Certified 25 January 1999.