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Document style entries not found on the website are available only in person at the Belvidere archive room.Interested in Rogers County Historical Society?
Click here to take a look into all the many events that have been planned over the years. Records go back to 1971 as the Rogers County Historical Society and will even talk about steps that were taken to obtain a meeting place before the acquisition of the Belvidere and other sites.
See Rogers County and how we have evolved throughout the years!
Christmas through the years!
Click through our personal accounts of the décor and activities each year during Christmas time at the Belvidere.
Black and White Photos
With our extensive black and white photograph collection you can feel as if you have gone back in time! Stroll through Main Street Merchants from the 1920s, and take a glimpse into what Oklahoma life was like for those who lived it.
Ladies in approx 1901 at a picnic. You can see what is likely a very small baby to the right over the mother's hip.
See the first 50 images that were archived by the Oklahoma Historical Society through the grant here
This is a Pdf version of our book, Rogers County History. It was scanned and uploaded courtesy of Rogers State University and the Oklahoma Preservation Grant.

First Baptist Church 1914 Cook book. To read and see these recipes, click the image to the right for pdf version.